Saturday, February 8, 2025

Gabane receives sports facilities

Gabane Village was the past Saturday celebrating a facelift as it had its community hall painted and received an integrated sports court, thanks to the National Olympic day.

“It was our intention to bring this day here so that we could leave a lasting Olympic legacy in Gabane,” said Ruth Maphorisa, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture, when giving the key note address marking the celebrations of the International Olympic Day. “We have sought to contribute by ensuring that we give the village’ community hall the much needed facelift by painting it. I am appreciative of the fact that the hall plays an integral role to the village. You use it for weddings, community activities and it is a place where every Gabane citizen should feel entitled to without shame or fear.”

The Sub Council Chairman for Thamaga/ Mogoditshane Sub council, Major Driver Motlokwa, performed the official handing over of the all-weather integrated sports courts at Gabane Primary School, which hosted the event. He said the project was sponsored through the alcohol levy fund.

“You will recall that the alcohol levy fund was introduced in Botswana in November 2008. The levy is made from the proceeds charged on the alcohol related products. The purpose of this fund is to promote projects and activities designed to combat alcohol abuse and minimise the effects of alcohol abuse,” said Motlokwa.

He added that in 2010, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development allocated Kweneng District Council funds amounting to P2, 047,000 from the alcohol levy to improve sports grounds and recreational facilities in schools and RADs hostels.

The Sub district was subsequently allocated P594, 290.25. The Sub District chose to construct sports courts at Gabane Primary School as the school is at the centre of the sub district. The total construction amount of the project is P347, 647, 08 and the council, he said, intended to use the balance to purchase sports equipment.

“Let me assure you that these facilities will be managed and maintained by Kweneng District Council through the school head, and it is expected that the facility will be utilised by all schools in the sub district. The courts are inclusive of various sporting codes such as tennis, volley ball and netball,” he said.


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