Friday, September 13, 2024

Gov’t provides technical advice on small-stock theft

Livestock theft in general is a concern in communities as government recommends that farmers take up individual small-stock identification system.

Despite bolus insertion and other Livestock Identification and Traceback Systems amongst cattle, stock theft cases continue to spiral, particularly amongst small stock farmers.

Goats and sheep identification, among others, are difficult to trace as concurrent ear marks and colours lead to mounting theft of small-stock and unceasing trials.

“My ministry will be available for any technical advice. I also advise farmers to intensify kraaling and caring of their livestock,” said the Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Oreeditse Molebatsi.

Noting that LITS for cattle is not a theft control of stock theft but to meet market requirements, Molebatsi said the purchasing of livestock for government programmes such as Livestock Management and Infrastructure Development and Poverty Eradication is done at public places such as Kgotla in the presence of the police.

“They verify that small-stock belong to the supplier by checking all relevant documents such O mang. Therefore, the current system of selling at Kgotla in the presence of the police is considered adequate,” he concluded.

Introduced in recent years, LIMID and Poverty Eradication government programmes affords small farmers small stocks such as poultry, donkeys goats and sheep.

The aim is to uplift the farmers from abject poverty as the animals multiply to sell for social purposes.

But the farmers have cried loud to their respective leadership as the very animals they intend raise for a better life are stolen on almost a daily basis.

The same stock is allegedly sold to the same government policies, creating a vicious circle.
The public outcry could not escape the Member of Parliament for Shoshong Phillip Makgalemele
He confronted the assistant minister Thursday via a parliamentary question.


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