Friday, February 7, 2025

Kalafatis sues commissioner of police

Kosta Kalafatis has notified the Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP) that he intends to sue Commissioner of Police following his unlawful shooting by security agents.

Dick Bayford of Bayford and Associates who is representing Kalafatis issued a statutory notice to the DPP last Thursday stating their “intention to institute legal action” against the DPP as a representative of the Commissioner of Police. According to the notice, the law firm will ask the High Court to direct “the commissioner to forward to the DPP the docket relating to the shooting of our client at Gaborone on or about 19th December, 2013, by a member of the Botswana Police Service or Botswana Defence Force (BDF) or the Directorate on Intelligence and Security (DIS) or a kindred Botswana government security or intelligence organization, for the purposes of enabling the DPP” to make a decision on whether to prosecute the officers for attempted murder.

Bayford stated that in the event the DPP does not prosecute the officers, his clients should be availed the client so that he can institute a private prosecution. Costa Kalafatis was last December shots by security agents at partial in Gaborone and was hospitalized at Princess Marina Hospital with serious injuries.


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