Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Lekaukau appointed to coordinate Implementation of BEAC recommendations

Former permanent secretary and founding Executive Chairman of Botswana Telecommunications Authority has been appointed to head a unit that shall be tasked with the implementation of the recommendations of the Business and Economic Advisory Council.

BEAC was appointed by President Mogae over a year ago to come with recommendations on how to improve the economy of Botswana.

The Council has since submitted its report with recommendations, some of which have since been accepted by government.

The Council looked at things like what had to be done to fast track economic diversification, as well as increase the participation of citizens in the mainstream economy.

A lawyer by training Lekaukau has been Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and that of Minerals.

He has also been Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications.

He founded the telecommunications regulatory authority (BTA) as Executive Chairman.

He went on to hold the positions of Chief Executive when the chairmanship was detached and made non executive.

He joined the civil service in 1973 as Sate Counsel in the Attorney General’s Chambers.

The appointment has been confimrmed by Press Secretary to the President Dr. Jeff Ramsay.

Lekaukau retired from BTA in December last year after ten year’s at the helm.

He is currently the consultant to the new BTA Chief Executive Mr. Pheko


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