Believers of the Jehovah’s Witness are set to converge in Gaborone for their Annual District Convention at a time when some powerful and influential voices in academia and media dismiss or disparage belief in God.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are proclaiming the importance of the belief in God, actually promoting the strengthening of one’s personal attachment to God.
The oncoming convention is expected to present an intriguing approach to the topic ‘Safeguard Your Heart!’ Convention.
Jehovah’s Witnesses feel that all, including non-Witnesses, will benefit from the positive message and practical suggestions that will be highlighted at the 2012 District Convention to be held at Fairgrounds Ditshupo and Boipuso Hall.
The Witnesses’ convention program, to be held in English and Setswana, promises a fresh examination of Biblical references to the figurative heart. Through lively discourses, dramatic Bible readings and presentations, and even a live play, program parts will emphasize how protecting the figurative heart will enhance one’s spiritual well-being, family life, and happiness.
Starting this weekend, and continuing for the next couple of weeks, Jehovah’s Witnesses will put forth extra effort to extend a personal invitation to everyone in Botswana to attend the convention with them. The three-day event to be held in Gaborone will begin Friday, August 31, 2012, at 9:20 a.m. The daily themes and titles of program parts are based on passages of Scripture, including 1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Chronicles 28:9, and Matthew 12:34. The convention theme “Safeguard Your Heart!” is based on Proverbs 4:23. Strengthening one’s spirituality will be the focus of the program.
Locally, all of Botswana’s 48 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses will be supporting the activity of distributing printed invitations to the convention. An estimated 5,000 will come to Ditsupo and Boipuso Hall, Fairgrounds for the Bible-based program.
Throughout South Africa, including Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, St Helena, and Swaziland, there will be 77 conventions. Worldwide, there are over 7,600,000 Witnesses in more than 109,000 congregations.