A branch member of the old Executive of the Botswana Mining Workers Union, Moffat Ramokate, sentenced to six months imprisonment last year for contempt of Court, says that they are working around the clock in order to comply with the Court order issued against them by Chief Justice Julian Nganunu last month.
According to Ramokate, they have been doing so even before they were sentenced to six months imprisonment of which they served only five.
”We are determined to comply with the order which has been issued against us and we are currently working around the clock to make sure that we hand over all the assets to the current executive”, he said.
He, however, declined to say what or how much they had handed over so far.
”Unfortunately, I do not think it will be a good idea to discuss such matters with the press,” he said.
Ramokate said that they had never discussed the idea of taking the case to the Court of Appeal as they feel this would just be a waste of time and resources.
Asked to confirm if it is true that there had been compliance with the Court order, the current BMWU Secretary General, Jack Tlhagale, declined to comment.
“I do not think it will be wise on our side to comment on the issue at the moment,” he said.
The Court order requires, amongst other things, that the applicants in this matter should have repaid the shortfall of P144,155 78 with 10 percent interest to the Union within 30 days from May 16, 2007 failing which the respondents would be incarcerated for a period of 40 days.