Sunday, February 9, 2025

Seepapitso bitter at govt over chieftainship

Kgosi Seepapitso of Bangwaketse sees government hand in the slow death that chieftainship in Botswana is going through.

Welcoming Kgosi Puso Gaborone of Batlokwa ÔÇô the latest Kgoi to join the House of Chiefs, Seepapitso said the president and government ministers alike were belittling ‘Ntlo ya dikgosi.’

Citing a recent example Seepapitso said the president, Festus Mogae, nullified bogosi over the media when he said the institution was overdue and that dikgosi should be elected as is the case with the president.

President Mogae made this remark in one of his speeches during his national tour of the country when he addressed Kgotla meetings.

Seepapitso mentioned that Mogae’s predecessor Sir Ketumile Masire also shared the same sentiments as he once said Botswana was a republic and as such dikgosi should be elected.

“Ga ke itse gore ba tswa kae ko go senang dikgosi. Gatwe o ilele suswane gore suswane a tle a go ilele-(I do not know where they come from where there are no chiefs. They should respect us and vice-versa)” said the often inaudiable Seepapitso.

The inauguration of Kgosi Gaborone was followed by government ministries briefings that also did not escape the wrath of Kgosi Seepapitso.

The Office of the President was labeled inept and unprepared.

They had brought a head projector which failed to show pictures of the designated regions for ‘Ntlo ya dikgosi’.

Seepapitso interpreted this as a flagrant undermining of the House of Chiefs.

“Fa e le gore le nyatsa Rre Skelemani ko ofising ya gagwe,fa ga gona go kgonega, If you do not respect Mr Skelemani at his office, it will not be possible in my house. declared Seepapitso, much to the astonishment of Minister Phandu Skelemani who was to brief the house on behalf of the Office of the President about the designated regions for ‘Ntlo ya dikgosi’.

Likewise, the Ministries of Trade and Industry, Labour and Home Affairs suffered the same fate as they were said to have effected liquor regulations and marital powers act respectively without consulting ‘Ntlo ya dikgosi’

“Lo tla lo feditse.Lwa re rona re reng?” bellowed Seepapitso.

Nevertheless Seepapitso welcomed Kgosi Gaborone and warned him against discrimination adding “Kgosi ke thotobolo go latlhelwa matlakala mo go ene’


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