The recommendation to rename State House as the Presidential Enclave has now sailed through and a roadmap has accordingly been laid out to enhance security in the area.
The security measures include extension of the area by buying the surrounding plots within a kilometer of the current State House and incorporating them into existing premises.
Some of the people whose plots are set to be affected include the Minister for Presidential Affairs and Public Administration, Daniel Kwelagobe.
Impeccable sources have intimated to the Sunday Standard that the recommendation seeks to draw from the concept of the White House of the United States of America, where the residence of the President, his Vice and close associates is encased into a special security zoned area which would be adjacent to no other buildings except to enjoined roads that surround the area.
According to the finalized draft proposal of the Review of Gaborone City Development plan, our own Pentagon would encase the President’s residence, his office, Vice President’s residence and office. Their guests’ houses and “complete” environment for running the affairs of the state undeterred would also provide for.
The draft document further cautions that security measures proposed in the previous review must stand. These include that there shall not be allowed construction of any two storey buildings within a radius of 300 meters, and no ten storey buildings to be permitted within a kilometer of the Presidential Enclave.
Further information passed to the Sunday Standard suggests that no objection was tendered to the stated recommendations during the 30-day public scrutiny period which commenced on August 18 2008 and closed on September 18.
Dr Jeff Ramsay, Head of Government Communications and Information Services, has claimed ignorance of the existence of any such recommendation and advised that the Ministry of Lands and Housing might be better placed to provide the required answers.