Thursday, February 6, 2025

Statement by Botswana Movement for Democracy President, Gomolemo Motswaledi, 2nd BMD Congress

It gives me pleasure to address this 2nd Congress of the Botswana Movement for Democracy, your movement, our movement. The resolutions you have taken over the past two years as well as the posture that their implementation took, allow me to be proud to address you as President of this movement as well as Secretary General of the people’s project, the Umbrella for Democratic Change.

We meet here under a theme that drives us towards achieving a sense of newness for this country. I should warn all of you dear friends that we cannot change anything in this country until we become the change we desire for this nation. The way we talk, the way we craft our message, the way we work hard in our wards and constituencies, the way we organise our events, the way we relate with our friends and enemies should reflect this change. The way we approach the coming elections should be different, the way our women and youth institutionalise that presence within the movement and the Umbrella should reflect the change we desire for this nation. A message is as good as its messenger my brothers and sisters.

We need a productive, efficient and effective organization. At both the levels of the Movement and the Umbrella, I will focus on this organizational effectiveness. This will include clarification of roles and clear mandates for leaders; creation of processes, standards and standardization; a performance measurement regime as well as continuous improvement protocols.

We have as the presidency of the Movement started on the clarification of roles and process standardisation. I have detailed my Vice President to provide terms of reference for some roles that are critical for the organization but whose mandate may not be readily lucid. We (the new President and new Vice President you may elect) would work with the Secretariat of the Movement and other role players you will elect to ensure that we gain such organizational gravity as will live the change we would like to inspire to this nation as a political force. We are also working with the Treasury and the National Organising Secretary in building standard planning templates to be used by all branches. This will involve budget templates, campaign planning templates, a campaign donations log, campaign volunteer form and elections management templates.

At the next Policy Assembly, the Presidency will present a balanced-score card guide to measure progress of the organization as well as bring a risk management tool to the same forum. We would like to promote a regime that will assist a continuous dialogue of what and how to improve as an organization. Those who would like to be in the leadership at all levels of the party should be determined to take this organization and therefore the Umbrella to the next level. We cannot afford to plod because we have to hit the ground running. Complacency can’t be tolerated because honeymoon is now over. All of us should lead in fundraising and financing the movement and all its efforts, its commitments and its projects. This should not and will not be left to the Treasury. This church facility we are in is a result of efforts of all congregants and member of Maun alone. They are committed, passionate, determined and full of the spirit of God. We need the same measure of commitment, passion, determination and the spirit of renewing the nation come 2014 under the guidance of the spirit of truth, justice and love of God.

For us to make it as we go forward, we need three things. Firstly, we need to intensify our programme on internationalization; secondly, to know what we ought to and have to know in order to do what we ought to have to do and lastly to do the basic that would make us ready to fight our political war responsively, and driven by scientific methods.

For us to make it on these, we need character punctuated by resilience, clarity of purpose and hard work. Our enemy and the terrain on which we operate never promised to be friendly.

I am not going to allow anyone to waste time being surprised that the ruling party will not squeeze us out of the resource mobilization line; that they will mis-govern this country; that there will be patronage and sycophancy of an order never known in the political history of this nation; that this state is privatized and haemorrhaged by a selected few who would appear as sheep while they are vicious carnivores on the assets and treasures of the unsuspecting people of this country; that the country is stinking with corruption, fear mongering and casualization; that justice is failing to flow like a mighty stream; that the nation is being seriously divided for political leverage in ways never seen in this country; that abuse of incumbency and loss of integrity of state machinery and instruments has reached fever point. We all know this already.

Our actions in response to this situation should demonstrate how well we understand the need to turn this mess around and create a platform on which Botswana will be new after 2014 election.

We surely know about the situation of water, electricity, collapsed parastatals and limping governance. Who among you is not aware that out immigration regime, health care system, education system, initiatives of growing the economy and creating jobs for our boys and girls as well as men and women represent a state of unquestionable crisis.

Who does not know that all our hubs, from education to health, finance to innovations, transport and diamond are only standing bureaucracies without clear returns to Batswana? Our message and demeanor should reflect a people who are serious about resolving these problems.

I am so glad to be speaking from a place that God favoured with beauty and elegance. Who does not know who controls and benefits more from these beautiful plains of the Okavango. Who does not know who controls birding, hunting and lodging? Who does not know about the cattle of Ngamiland and the plight of farmers and how the Botswana Meat Commission has dis-organised them. All we have to do is organise ourselves well, build an institutional framework that will assist us to effectively respond to all these.

We cannot deal with these issues the way we have dealt with them before, we can no longer deal with this government the way we have dealt with it before nor can we deal with the Botswana Democratic party as we have before.

As we build ourselves into a strong and viable organisation, both as this movement and the Umbrella, we should know that the choices we make on the political arena as we seek to do things differently and effectively will be the determining factor in encouraging the potential collaborations, and minimising the friction and risks. There is a lot of goodwill out there and we should invest in closing the gap between where we are and where it sits.

Of course, the enemy realises this potential and works hard to keep the distance or even increase it. We need to work firmer as an alliance, but firstly to be more intact and contracting organisations. This people will like. Our message should be clear, clean and coherent. It should reflect how we are a lot better proposition in terms of promises that what they have. They will support us and develop a courage they don’t have now.

We should clarify our map so that as many of them see where they are on it, then they will develop strength. We have to build a relationship with our electorate not as an option, walk them through our concerns and our proposed solutions. They will gravitate towards us. Try this brothers and sisters, bretherens, comrades and you will see how we build a new Botswana by 2014.

Tell our compatriots that we want to build:

ÔÇó A future in which every citizen looks forward to a life of opportunities, rendered by a flourishing, diversified and resilient economy that churns meaningful jobs and/or stake-holding for all citizens;
ÔÇó A culture that moulds and seasons the young to become productive, innovative and diligent citizens with a capacity to positively shape the destiny of their nation and pursue their dreams through the power of their balanced character, talent, knowledge, self-belief and skills;
ÔÇó A universal attitude that cherishes and fosters cultural diversity, national unity, participation of citizens in community or national affairs and, tolerance of one another. (This attitude will acknowledge the value of, and encourage on all platforms, robust dialogue, discussion, debate, cultural expression, religious expression or expression of competing viewpoints in regard to matters of national, community or family interest in a manner that cultivates spiritual fulfilment, cultural diversity, tolerance and national unity);
ÔÇó A system that values fairness and justice in all we do, and in a way that specifically ensures that the most disadvantaged among us are assisted to progress;
ÔÇó A system that accommodates women through the law, attitudes and teachings as equal to men as stakeholders in the development process.

I have no doubt in my mind that they will see that we want to build a new Botswana by 2014. There are things that will not help us build a new Botswana by 2014. For example, it has come to my attention that there seems to be a brewing animosity and heated exchanges between cadres of the Botswana Congress Party and the Botswana Movement for Democracy and its partners in the Umbrella for Democratic Change.

Make no mistake, we were certainly disappointed and hurt by sentiments made during Umbrella talks in 2011, and we were even more hurt at reasons levied against us when BCP chose to pull out of the Umbrella talks. As hurt as we were, we must remember that ours is a national project which requires our full focus and attention on offering Batswana a viable alternative Government.

As such our exchanges with the BCP serve no purpose other than to make our movement, our Umbrella and the BCP look like worthless naysayers obsessed with winning playground arguments. When such happens, imagine what the voter is thinking about us and imagine the smile on the face of the BDP.
The BCP isn’t the ruling party, the BDP is. No matter how much they may try the BCP can’t be the source of Botswana’s problems which I discussed before and which you know well.

The source of all these problems is the BDP and its failing vision, leadership and management. I would be surprised if the BCP’s leadership, membership and sympathizers are not concerned and disappointed by this. Should I be wrong in this assumption, then we should not retaliate when they charge and we should not form any weapon against them.

In that way, we would be building towards strengthening an institutional and organisational culture rich with political discipline and restraint. This is what Batswana want to see and this is what we can to attempt efforts at making a new Botswana by 2014. We can actually make it, yes it is within our can to succeed in 2014 and bring a new Botswana. As I said before, it begins with all of us my brother and my sisters. You would recall that as the Umbrella, we still have the doors open for them, so we have to be soft.

Allow me Director of Ceremonies to recognise the National Executive Committee for its diligent service to this movement. This includes friends who could not walk with us for the few miles more on this journey for the much they tried. These few leaders we have lost, but we continue to be strong because our movement is a movement of the people who are determined, and also has a depth of leaders who understand that this is for the nation.

I am so proud to be a part and a member of an organisation of the people, driven by the people for a people’s purpose, not leaders. While we are still on the leaders of this party, special mention of my Vice President, National Chairman, Secretary General, National Treasurer, National Organising Secretary, National Policy Director and their deputies is essential.

Our staff in the Secretariat who work so hard and rarely appreciated and recognised deserve our collective note of gratitude.

I also thank the members and various leaders of the movement in your different capacities for the wonderful work you are doing. This movement will not be what it is without your efforts. I recognise the women and the youth who continue to make us proud.

A special moment should be reserved for the Convenors of the Umbrella project who are men sent by God himself. History shall remember these men, Mr Lebang Mpotokwane, Mr Emang Maphanyane, Judge John Mosojane, Rev. Dr. Prince Dibeela and Bishop Dr. Cosmas Moenga. President Boko and President Molapisi need to be commended for their sterling leadership. All of these gentlemen are wishing you a successful Congress.

The bold men and women who have contributed all they can under our difficult circumstances should be thanked. The Office of the National Organising Secretary have led us into successive bye elections and those who gave their all during these difficult times should know that we appreciate them. We appreciate the effort of the candidates and their sacrifice as well as those of our activists who were managers and foot soldiers of these campaigns.

Our elders deserve special recognition. Without their guidance we can’t go anywhere. Our friends and well-wishers who are here, workers, farmers, herd boys, hunters and the rest of you, we are so grateful for your presence. The presence here of members of the Botswana National Front bears testimony of our commitment to Batswana together, and commitment to each other. God bless you comrades.

Lastly, I thank the hosts and organisers for your confidence, daring spirit and tireless efforts in making this Congress the success it is going to be.

I don’t want to fail in my duty as leader of this movement by not stating that we are growing on the international scene and doing very well. Since the last Congress, this movement is a full member of the Africa Liberal Network and an observer member of Liberal International due to attaining full membership next year. Through these associations we have had the Westminster Foundation and the Fredrick Neumann Foundation support some of our strategic and operational activities and we are as thankful to them as we are to the growing opportunities that come our way as a result of these international associations.

If things go according to plan, we would be able to send a delegation of our members to the Liberal Democrats Conference later this year in Scotland where they will attend the business conference and fringe workshops on subjects such as local political leadership, elections management and resource mobilisation through the support of mainly the Westminster Foundation.

More work is on cards with even more partners all over the world. I was in Beirut recently and all I can say is that I am so happy I was able to attend that 190th Executive meeting of Liberal International. That’s all I will say for now. On these international issues, our Vice President will give you a fuller brief.

Allow me to pay tribute to the immediate past Coordinator of the Africa Liberal Network Nick Branson who has been a rock for the network and ask you to welcome with me, Aimee Franklin, the new Coordinator.

She is no doubt a capable, talented and willing political professional who will assist us to go to the next level. My President and principal at the Africa Liberal Network Hon. Olivier Kamitatu, the Coordinator Aimee Franklin, the entire ALN Executive and member parties; the Liberal International family including its President Hon. Hans van Baalen, Secretary General Emil Kirjal, Vice President for the Africa Region Tim Harris; the Westminster Foundation for Democracy Executive for the LibDems Iain Gill and the leadership of the Frederick Neumann Foundation for Freedom in the Africa Office, Hubertus von Welck and my friend Katja Manuaela Egger are all wishing you a successful Congress.

Bakaulengwe, I thank you!


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