Monday, September 9, 2024

The Last Days of Trump

We have always known that the transfer of power in the United States of America is guaranteed, but from the look of things, that is no longer the case. Everyone in that country is keeping their fingers crossed that the last days of Trump end peacefully. The remaining days can come out to be peaceful but they are certainly going to be very eventful. It seems the Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world around and inside out. Nothing seems guaranteed anymore. And that includes the peace and stability in the US. In fact I found a statement by an unknown author in social media very interesting when commenting about the events in America. They said, “Because this year there are international travel restrictions around the world, Americans have brought a coup home because they can no longer export it.”

Bloodshed surrounding elections and the protest of the election outcome has always been foreign tom America until Corona virus came to change the landscape so to speak. Epidemiologists have predicted that one day a virus would come to wreak havoc around the world but no one would ever predict that one day American citizens themselves would desecrate their symbol of power and democracy which is the Capitol building in Washington DC. This is all with much compliments from Donald J. Trump, the chief protagonist and chief inciter of violence. The man in his last days in the White House has dedicated his time to rubble rousing and he is getting the attention he needs because white America is never short of “rubble.” A few weeks before the election, I wrote on this paper about the “Implosion of America” and lo and behold, the violence I had seen coming is here with us. I am not excited that indeed I have become a perfect prophet of doom, but instead I am worried that whatever happens in America will ultimately affect the world economy. Reading into history we learn that the American Civil War was fuelled by rhetoric such as of Donald Trump and there has always been those willing to be used as fodder.  The breaching of the Capitol building in Washington DC by a mob came as a result of the incitement by the president and the Attorney General William Barr who has been allowed to immensely indulge himself into politics.

Since the Capitol building has been attacked by a mob, the FBI has had sleepless nights sifting through a maze of information seeking to pin down certain individuals who participated in the violence. This has already resulted in the charging of one hundred and sixty individuals with the execution of this violence. Most of the individuals are charged with sedition and that may easily attract sentences going up to twenty years. Further charges of murder and felony will be preferred against other individuals. This was domestic terrorism visited upon Washington DC. This week I listened to an interview by an FBI senior officer and the Acting Attorney General of the District of Colombia. They were simply briefing the nation about what was at work regarding the investigations following this violence. The mob has caused the death of five people and this cannot be ignored. This was indeed terrorism as two pipe bombs were defused by security agents.

The inauguration of Joseph Biden is less than a week from now. Washington DC has never seen this level of security before in the run up to the event of the inauguration of any president. The National Guard has been mobilised to patrol the capital and security fences are being erected around the grounds of the inauguration. While Trump will not be attending the event, the FBI is closely considering charging him with inciting violence. Apparently the mob did just what the Commander-in-Chief ordered them to do. They have been ordered to fight to save their country and this all has come as rhetoric from Trump. The man has even sent veiled threat to the president elect. Trump continues to run his rhetoric to undermine the law but some in his cabinet have disowned him. Americans who have allegiance to the flag and the constitution have broken rank with president regardless of being members of his Republican Party.

The FBI has real concerns regarding violence on federal offices around the country as intelligence information points to that. At the inauguration it will not be business as usual. There has been a total rethink of the security arrangement and federal resources are being pulled to Washington DC and nothing is left to chance. But why is America at the crossroads while Hillary Clinton warned the nation in 2016 that Donald Trump will bring instability to the country? In her speech toward the election that year, Clinton specifically spoke of the fact that if Trump is elected, he would become Commander-in-Chief and would bring America to war with other nations. Little did she know that Trump would bring the conflict to the doorstep of America. Emerging out of the inauguration, America should learn lessons from their recent history of being led by a deranged man whose leadership was never hinged on the principles derived from the constitution of the country. Joseph Biden has to forge ahead and unite the country.

The country is so desperate to get back in order. The impeachment of Trump when he is left with a week to go points to that frustration by the politicians on Capitol Hill. I see futility in the whole exercise because I fail to see what the end result of all they are doing. Taking a look at the results of the previous elections, it is clear that a sizeable population of Americans wanted Trump back to the White House. And this is an indication the country is still deeply divided. The presidency of Donald Trump has fuelled the old ideas of the white supremacism that thrived in the 1960s. This was at the time when black people in America were fighting for equal rights while the white supremacists were working at taking the civil rights efforts back to the years of slavery. 


Read this week's paper