Wednesday, September 11, 2024


“He was just exercising his democratic right as any other political activist would,”
BMD official, Kabo Morwaeng, welcoming without any reservations Samson Guma Moyo’s resignation from the BMD.

“The BCPYL is seeking legal opinion on the matter and is seriously considering taking legal action against Garekwe’s appointment once our lawyers render to us the advise.Garekwe’s credibility and integrity as an ex-convict and BDP activist is highly questionable and it would appear the later influenced his appointment,”
BCP youth leader, Dithapelo Keorapetse, threatening to challenge BDP man Segaetsho Garekwe’s appointment as Francistown City Council’s legal Advisor.

“The fact of the matter is that Nkate asked for an early release from his contract in accordance with section 14(6) of the BEDIA Act and which request I acceded to,”
Minister of Trade and Industry, Dorcus Makgatho-Malesu, revealing this week that BDP’s strongman, Jacob Nkate, had quit BEDIA.

“I need hardly add that this is a bitter pill that creditors are being asked to swallow, that is ,that the very entity responsible for the ‘basket case’ business model it designed (BPOMAS) gets majority share of what remains of the carcass, which it created leaving creditors with meaningless scrap…the creditors I represent will not take this lying down,”
Part of a hard hitting correspondence from creditors who are scuffling for what remains of Bokamoso Private Hospital.

“You are way ahead of me. I cannot comment on this issue…speak to the BDP,”
Front runner for the BDP Secretariat’s top post and political commentator, Lawrence Ookeditse, in his brief response to inquiries that he has been approached for the position of Executive Secretary at Tsholetsa House.


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