It is probably difficult to bring up pretty privilege considering the fact that it does sound like a shallow topic. It is either one has been a receiver, a viewer or even an active participant in this principle but the crux of the matter is that it affects most people in one way or the other.
Pretty privilege is an unearned and mostly unacknowledged societal advantage that a person has by fitting into the beauty standards of their culture. It operates on the principle that people who are more conventionally attractive based on societal beauty standards have more advantages and opportunities compared to people who are deemed less attractive. When a woman is physically beautiful, people see value in her, she has a thing of power and she is esteemed within society. In addition, people assume that she can have it all and that she is happy. Or at least she should be. All the focus and attention in society is placed on why it is so hard to be a woman who is not considered physically beautiful. That is a story that has been told over and over again. However, there is a darkside to pretty privilege.
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