Saturday, September 14, 2024

Woman assaulted for trying to stop a fight

Kagiso Semontung, 33, from Moribigwane Ward in Sefhare, who assaulted a woman after she intervened to stop him from beating up on her friend at a Maruapula drinking spot, was arraigned before the Urban Customary court President, Kgosi Dikwalo Monametsi, and charged with common assault.

State Prosecutor from the Central Police Station, Constable Thatayaone Mabhangu, told the court that on October 4, 2006, the complainant, Sadi Rantsho, reported that she had been assaulted by Semontung for attempting to stop him from beating on her friend.

She told the court that Semontung slapped her and boxed her several times leaving her bleeding. She was then taken to the hospital and her medical records were produced in court as part of the evidence.

Semontung pleaded guilty and asked the court to forgive him, pleading not to be sent to prison because, he said, he would lose his piece jobs and that would cause his children to suffer.

Kgosi Monametsi told him that he assaulted the complainant for nothing. He told the accused that people like him were creating cases for themselves.
He then sentenced him to four strokes on the bum and advised him to stop bulling other people, promised him a stiffer punishment next time.


Read this week's paper