The President of SA Inc., Cyril Ramaphosa, leaders of the ANC government, Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Zweli Mkhize and their advisors such as Abdool Karim, Glenda Gray, Schabir Mahdi and others undermine the intelligence of the people who see through their transparent lies. I say they undermine the intelligence of those who can see through their transparent lies since there are those who believe their lies.
I would like to begin by urging everybody to read the World Health Organisation’s document titled International Health Regulations (2005) and learn about the agenda of the psychopaths and idiots behind that document and those who are trying to implement the draconian measures outlined in that document.
The contents of that document will be of interest to jurists, medical professionals and scientists of integrity because it calls for measures that are unconstitutional and medically unethical. South Africa and about 195 other countries are signatory to that document even when it is unconstitutional and violates medical ethics.
After reading that foreboding document it will be clear why global players like Bill Gates, WHO bureaucrats, and others planned a pandemic and claimed there is a virus that causes a respiratory disease which disease will they wrongly believe would be stopped by a vaccine. In every one of his addresses to the nation including his last address, Ramaphosa spoke about getting a vaccine. He maintains this misguided belief despite studied indicating that it is impossible to develop a vaccine for a respiratory disease. Ramaphosa doesn’t tell us that his master Bill Gates has a patent for what they call a corona virus. Why does Bill Gates own a patent for a virus whose servant Ramaphosa promotes? Their belief in the unreliable vaccine science is like a religion to the likes of Ramaphosa and Bill Gates.
Reading this document will also make it clear why these global players and their puppets inflate the so-called Covid-19 statistics and deaths and prolong lockdowns. Remember the first lockdown was supposed to last for three weeks to “flatten the curve” but it has lasted for more than three months; yet the curve is still unflattened. According to this foreboding WHO document these countries must report to the WHO by September this year. Does it become clearer why Ramaphosa and his NCCC keep on extending the lockdown and tightening its rules?
Ramaphosa and his NCCC told us Covid-19 cases and deaths have increased. They banned the sale of alcohol, banned gatherings, emphasised the wearing of masks, social or physical distancing and gazetted them.
There are scientists who say there is no evidence that SARS-COV-2, the virus they claim causes Covid-19 exists because it hadn’t been purified and isolated. There are no documents to prove this virus exists. All those scientists who are advising Ramaphosa and the ANC government cannot produce those documents because they are not there. People who are dying are dying from other diseases not Covid-19. If there is anybody who doubts what I am saying, let them request autopsy results of those the government claims died from COVID-19 to prove they died of Covid-19. No autopsies were performed and the only way to determine the cause of death is through an autopsy.
On the 8th June, BBC reported that New Zealand lifted almost all of its coronavirus restrictions after reporting no active Cov-19 cases in the country. Many countries like Sweden, Iceland and many others which don’t take instructions from the WHO and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are recording progress even though they didn’t impose hard lockdowns. Taiwan didn’t even have a lockdown at all.
Countries like New Zealand have moved to level one others returned to normalcy like Sweden while South Africa is oscillating like a pendulum between level 5 and level 3 because the ANC government has an agenda which is no longer hidden because many people are aware of it.
It is revealing that the ANC doesn’t record progress with its misguided and rudderless hard lockdown enforced through the army and police who killed a dozen people enforcing this senseless lockdown.
The ANC government inflates Covid-19 statistics in order to prolong the lockdown and keep it in place until they scare ignorant people enough to accept mandatory vaccinations. In fact, the statistics they read every day on radio and television are just a thumbsuck. There is an article that shows the testing method for Covid-19 are scientifically insignificant. The article further states that a positive test for Covid-19 doesn’t necessarily mean a person is infected. But why do the ANC government and its NCCC harp on Covid-19 infections and deaths going up? They are expected by the WHO as outlined in the International Health Regulations (2005) document to turn us into slaves and willing tools of the psychopathic global elite.
When the ANC makes wearing of masks mandatory under the pretext of preventing the spread of Covid-19 and human rights groups keep quiet, they are inadvertently endorsing fascism. There are no health benefits in wearing face masks. In fact, there are quite a few health risks associated with wearing masks such as, for example, hypoxia and pleurisy. There is no known medical condition that can be prevented by wearing face masks. The ANC government and its NCCC are testing the waters to see if we are going to accept Bill Gates’s mandatory vaccines, digital ID and microchip implants if they panicked us well enough.
The WHO document mentions invasive procedures on people and surveillance. This social or physical distancing is meant to carry out surveillance on people, enable facial recognition cameras to operate with ease and monitor people through their smartphones to detect this questionable Covid-19. In crowded places it is impossible to do such things. All these measures the WHO and global elite urge the ANC government to do on us and the other people of the world constitute invasion of privacy and an erosion of our inalienable rights such as our civil liberties, natural and human rights.
The judiciary and medical professionals must realise and admit the ANC government and its NCCC are complicit in this global diabolical scheme.