This year marks the United Nation’s Palladium jubilee (75th anniversary) having been founded after the Second World War (WW II). Its forerunner, the League of Nations, headquartered at the time in Geneva, Switzerland was formed in 1920 after the First World War (WW I) to ‘provide a forum for resolving international disputes’. The League’s covenant was drafted by three people: US’s Woodrow Wilson, France’s Georges Clemenceau and United Kingdom’s David Lloyd George. The idea of forming the League of Nations emanated from members of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) which was itself formed in 1919.
The League’s modus operandi and agenda were not significantly different from that of the United Nations (UN).The UN Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 in San Francisco and came into force on 24 October 1945. Those who are perceptive will not fail to notice that ten years later on 26 June, another gigantic fraud known as the “Freedom Charter” – which bore the hallmarks of the UN Charter – was hatched in South Africa by white Communist Party members. The UN Charter was rushed through the US Senate without printed copies to guide that country’s Senators. The Freedom Charter was also rushed through despite many members not having seen it including ANC President Albert Luthuli and his Deputy Dr Wilson Conco. Guess what?
Most of those who came up with the idea of the UN Charter were members of the Communist Party of America. They also all belonged to the influential US’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which was formed by members of RIIA in 1921. RIIA was associated with Cecil John Rhodes although he was already dead when RIIA was formed.South African President who is also President of the ANC, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation about a move to lockdown level 1 on 22 September he addressed the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Is it a problem for Ramaphosa to address the nation about World Health Organisation and UN matters? Probably not; the problem is what Ramaphosa says; what he purports the UN and its agencies to represent and what the UN and agencies really represent.How was the UN conceived, by whom and what its objectives are? Official history books claim representatives from different countries of the world founded the UN and this lie is taught to students at schools, colleges and universities.
Quite the contrary, the UN was founded by individuals most of them were members of the Communist Party of America and CFR such as Dean Acheson, Nelson Rockefeller and John Foster Dulles who were not members of the Communist Party. They drafted the UN Charter and formulated UN policies which did not confer power to the General Assembly but to the Security Council where the Veto is. They were Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, Leo Pasvolsky, Clark Eichelberger, Hamilton Fish Armstrong, Benjamin Cohen, John Carter Vincent and others.Alger Hiss was also a founding member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1948. In his, A Second Look at the United Nations presentation, author Des Griffin says the constitution of the WHO defines health thus: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Governments have a responsibility for the health of their peoples which can be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social measures.That provision derived from Articles 55 and 56 of the UN Charter. Article 56 states, “All Members pledge themselves to take joint and separate action in cooperation with the Organisation for the achievement of the purpose set forth in Article 55”.Those achievements in Article 55 are:
a. Higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development. b. Solutions of international economic, social, health, and related problems; and international cultural and educational cooperation; and c. Universal respect for and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.
With its International Health Regulations published in 2005, the WHO has deviated from its original mandate. It is prescriptive and run by a committee known as the Global Preparedness Management Board. These are the people who are running our lives. “The mandate of the GPMB is to apprise key policymakers and the world of system-wide progress towards increased preparedness and response capacity for disease outbreaks and other emergencies with health consequences. It publishes an annual overview of the state of the world’s preparedness, monitoring progress, calling for leaders to take urgent action. Read the 2020 report, A World In Disorder.”
They are Dr Victor Dzau President of the US National Academy of Medicine; Dr Chris Elias President, Global Development Programme Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Dr Anthony Fauci; George F. Fao, Director General, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and others from Europe, Japan, India and Chile. All of them are not more than 15.In his address to the UN Ramaphosa wants to create the impression that the wellbeing of the people of South Africa and the continent are uppermost in his mind; by appealing for the UN to be more inclusive and for international lending agencies to cancel debts African countries owe. He also appealed for the respect for the worth and dignity of every human being. He wants to appear to be altruistic. I am not convinced.
If he were he would not have accepted millions of Rand from local and foreign donors to his CR17 election campaign that filled his own coffers. He would subject the people of South Africa to wear masks to prevent the transmission of a virus which has not been properly identified. He would not subject the people of South Africa to invasive and intrusive medical interventions such as contact tracing and vaccinations. Contact tracing is meant for surveillance. He has allowed Wits and Oxford Universities to use South Africans as guinea pigs for vaccine trials. He deployed the police and army to enforce the WHO’s draconian lockdown rules. Recently a soldier was reported to have shot a civilian for not wearing a mask.
Ramaphosa also spoke of establishing a new global order. It means he is privy to the mission of the United Nations which is to establish a totalitarian one world government which they refer to as the new world order. That is the objective of the UN. We have not achieved Pan African unity yet the ANC is preoccupied with a global order. I have a problem with the way the South African constitution was drafted an adopted. Be that as it may, Ramaphosa and the ANC should explain to the people of South Africa if the UN Charter supersedes the constitution of South Africa.
Ramaphosa should stop pretending that he is not aware that the UN, just like South Africa now and during apartheid, was designed to serve minorities. The presence of Jan Smuts at the founding conference of the UN does not make South Africa a founding member as the ANC wants to make us believe. Smuts was not representing the African people. It was just as good as not having attended that conference.The UN in the eyes of many Africans cannot cover itself in glory for having facilitated the assassination of Patrice Lumumba on 17 January 1961 even if ANC leaders have ignored the shameful role the UN played in the toppling and ultimate assassination of Lumumba.
Since none of the African countries was represented or had an input in the founding of the UN, instead of have been assimilated into the UN’s sinister agenda, African countries should have demanded the redrafting of the UN Charter from scratch after many African states became independent.