The intelligence services, DIS has formally cleared the Sebina brothers – Kegone, Tshepho and Ewetse of any wrong doing.
This comes after a lengthy and protracted investigations that were also punctuated by court of law fights.
Also given security clearance are the companies owned by the brothers – Estate Construction, Asphalt Botswana, Tshepho Tile Products and Banco Enterprise.
In a letter to government departments headlined “security Clearance” the DIS director general Peter Magosi states that the brothers have been granted security clearance by the DIS.
“The addressees here are therefore at liberty to conduct business with the said companies.”
It effectively means that the brothers and their companies are now able to trade and do business with Botswana Government.
Before the security clearance, government departments had ceased doing business with companies owned by the brothers for fear of falling foul of the much feared DIS.
Another letter still from the DIS, states that the brothers had for some time been blacklisted to do business as they were still being investigated.
“It is with this letter that you are informed that they have been cleared of all allegations and have been cleared to do business with all entities that they may show interest in engaging with.”