Urban Customary court President Kgosi Dikwalo Monametsi convicted one resident of News Stance in Gaborone for insulting her mother’s landlord after the two had misunderstandings.
Ntikalala Matshediso, 29, from Mmaseetsele Ward in Moshupa who works for Interfield Security Guard in Gaborone, this Friday pleaded not guilty to the charges of insulting his mother’s landlord, Onkabetse Tshiping, after a long time of promising to assault her.
State Prosecutor from the Urban Police Station, Constable Batisane, told the court that on November 9, 2006, Tshiping left her place of residence to fetch some water from the stand pipe and was insulted by the accused in front of other people until she called the police who later arrested the Matshediso and charged him with the use of insulting languages.
Katlalo Motlabaki was called as a first witness and told the court that she heard Matshediso insulting Tshiping together with her parents. She said he even tried to assault her.
Ntikalala then pleaded guilty to the charges and this Friday he received his five lashes from a police officer as prescribed by Kgosi Monametsi of the Urban Customary Court. Additionally, Ntikalala was sentenced to three months in jail, wholly suspended for three years.