Friday, September 13, 2024

‘Lunch with a sex therapist’ slated for next week

Discussions about sexual issues have always been taboo in our African culture.

Many people are ashamed to talk to their families, partners or just the next person about issues concerning sex. Yet every day we experience challenges like divorces, break ups, infidelity, passion killings, marital rape, infertility, lack of orgasms, sexual medical conditions, HIV and other STIs amongst others, many of which could be avoided if people had a platform where they can openly discuss and get professional advice.

In this light, 79 Macheri, a citizen-owned communications solutions company founded by a self-driven young Motswana woman, Lucia Molebatsi, a trained nurse, Radio Personality, Corporate Wellness Consultant, Events Planner and Coordinator, will host an event, dubbed Lunch with Elna, in Gaborone.

The event will feature South African sexologist, Professor Elna McIntosh, and Botswana’s well-known Community Builder and life coach; Mme Ntombi Setshwaelo.

Kgomotso Maembolwa, of 79 Macheri, Lunch with Elna is a once in a life time opportunity in having a sex therapist of such high calibre here in Botswana to teach Batswana about issues of sexual health in a relaxed mood over a meal.

The topic of discussion will border on empowering men and women about sexuality, safe sex, sexual reproductive health, communication regarding sex and many others.

McIntosh will breakdown sexual health while Setshwaelo will emphasise on communication and relationship building.

The event is slated for March 26th at Cresta Lodge in Gaborone and everyone is welcome to attend.
Tickets are sold at P300 and includes a 3-course meal.


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