Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Stop misleading the people

“They do blaspheme who say: God is one of three in a trinity, for there is none god except One God. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy) verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemous among them.” (Holy Qur’an 5:73)

I had gone into seclusion (as is Muslim tradition in the last days of Ramadhan) when some articles were published refuting some of the statements I made in a recent interview.

The Athanasian Creed: “There is one person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, is all one … The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God … For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every person by himself to be God and Lord, so are we forbidden by the Catholic religion to say there be three God, or three Lords.”

There has been so much controversy around this dogma that its own author, Athanasius of Alexandria, one of the principal leaders of the Pauline church, failed to comprehend it and even confessed that “Whenever he forced his understanding to meditate on the divinity of Jesus, his toilsome and unavailing efforts recoiled on themselves; that the more he thought, the less he comprehended; and the more he wrote, the less capable was he of expressing his thoughts.” (Edward Gibbon)
His belief in the doctrine of the Trinity was not based on conviction but on policy and apparent necessity. This historic decision was based on political expediency as shown by the part played by Constantine, a pagan emperor of Rome, who presided over the Council of Nicea.

It is unfortunate that the likes of John Motsatsing (Botswana Guardian 27/08/2010) are still blinded by the fabrications of Western Christianity and fail to see that none of the founders of these corrupt creeds were themselves not convinced of any truth in them. Rather they propagated them only to derive (wordly) benefit from them.

When Athanasius was declared public enemy by Emperor Constantius and was wanted ‘dead or alive’, he went into hiding from one place to another until he discovered a young woman who was known for her exquisite beauty and they had an illicit and adulterous affair that lasted six years. It is not surprising that many clergymen of this order have been involved in adultery and sodomy.

The scripture contained in 1 John 5:7, “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one”. Christian scholars found this verse to have been an interpolation in the King James version in 1952 and was discarded from the ensuing Revised Standard Version (RSV). See if you can find it in there!

Constantine, who is now held as a hero by Christians, was nothing more than a tyrant and a criminal who murdered his son and wife because of his lust for political power. The Christian Trinitarian clergymen offered him forgiveness and in return he ratified for them their doctrine of the Trinity at the Council of Nicea (325 CE). Now you know why he is hailed as a hero!

Paul, who the Christians believe that he was a divinely inspired apostle, was so obscure: he was not one of the twelve disciples, actually they rejected him; he had persecuted many of the real followers of Jesus (peace be upon him); his teaching, in general, contradicted that of Jesus (pbuh), which is why Barnabas stopped preaching with him.

Their original backgrounds or immoralities are enough grounds that they were devoid of any divine inspiration. It follows therefore that the Trinitarian doctrine is human and not divine in nature.
John Motsatsing is using the same style that has cheated many Africans before, where concepts are not clearly defined or proven, but are thrown at you over and over again until you think they make sense. What is God’s Kingdom? Your feeble attempt to explain doesn’t cut it. God’s Kingdom is for him to sustain, cherish, regulate and preserve. Man is but a part of the God’s creation not its restorer. He is only God’s vicegerent on earth, to rule according to God’s law. What is this law?

It is Sacred Law. Moses ruled with this comprehensive law. But today Motsatsing and his outfit would prefer to support the separation of the Church from the State and allow God’s children to be ruled according to man-made laws by a bunch of criminals who will stop at nothing to drop thousands of bombs upon an unarmed people killing millions of women, children and old people and steal their wealth all the while claiming to be sent of God!

Islam, contrary to your assertions, is not a human establishment. It is a comprehensive system of life revealed by Almighty Allah to regulate the affairs of man and as a mercy unto all of creation. By incorporating God’s praise in all Muslim daily activities, they earn the mercy of Allah perchance He may reward them with Paradise. The scripture that I quoted (Matthew 7:21-23), refers primarily to those who deify a creation of Allah and elevate it to His status. This is blasphemy. The creation is not like the Creator and vice versa. Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and the other prophets (peace be upon them all) are created beings! The other crimes that you mention are lesser crimes in comparison to the violation of the first commandment.

And to correct you my brother, the Trinity has always been understood mathematically to mean three not one. This concept originates among the Romans who were polytheists and worshipped countless Gods. They had no understanding of the concept of the Oneness of God, a concept consistently taught by the whole lineage of Prophets; refer to the first commandment. They conceived their false god Mithra to be God or Son of God, a conception similar to the one you have about Jesus; the miraculous birth, crucifixion and rising from the dead, being son of God or God himself, blood atonement, etc.

Polytheism does not understand that the Almighty cannot be part of His creation. Yes, He regulates His creation as He is the All-Powerful and the Ever-Present (in His knowledge, not physically). He is above the seven heavens yet we know Him through His attributes: All-Seeing, All-Hearing, The Merciful, The Provider, The Sustainer, The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth and whatever is between them, The Wise, The Master of the Day of Judgement. Islam teaches us 99 such attributes which, even if one tries, cannot assign them to a mortal.

As for the issue about Jesus finding comfort with the Muslims, you have allowed emotion to get the better of you. It still remains a fact that Muslims have by and large upheld the commandments of the Almighty Allah as opposed to those who have chosen Pauline Christianity. They have institutionalized sin. All of the major sins: idolatry, sexual immorality, witchcraft, sodomy (even top clergy), eating haraam food, adultery, fornication, abortion, interest (usury), corruption, bribery, the list is endless. It not just about how we dress or our pristine mannerisms, but then I did not expect you to understand this. Who did you think Jesus (pbuh) referred to when he said, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now…?” Read the Holy Qur’an which has not undergone distortion at the hand of man! Get a copy before the mass burning of the book!

Orders to burn scripture go back three centuries after Jesus (pbuh) when scriptures such as the Gospel of Barnabas and the Sherpherd of Hermas were ordered to be burnt and those found in their possession were killed. Have you read these Mr Motsatsing? Some copies have survived and if you haven’t yet read any of them you will be shocked as to what they contain.

Many Unitarians were slaughtered by the powerful Trinitarians seeking to impose their doctrine upon them. The leaders of these who inherited the belief that Almighty God is One and Jesus was His Messenger were: Iranaeus (130-200 A.D.), Tertullian (160-220 A.D.) who was the first to introduce the word ‘trinitas’ in reference to this strange new doctrine, Origen (185-254 A.D.), and among the later ones: Michael Servetus (1511-1553), John Biddle (1615-1662), Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), and many more. Read up on these and see how most of them were burnt at the stake. When Michael Servetus was burnt to death one of his followers, Castello, said, “to burn a man is not to prove a doctrine”.

Did you think that the Trinitarian hero, Constantine, never embraced the creed but rather died in Unitarianism, the religion of his sister?

Muslims do not ascribe human qualities or animal acts to the Almighty God. He is Pure and above all. Glory be to Him!



Read this week's paper