Saturday, February 8, 2025

Vee Mampeezy roasted at Rail Park Mall

They say laughter is the best medicine. Through humour you can soften the worst blows that life delivers and no matter how painful your situation is, once you find laughter, you can survive.

Although no amount of laughter could soothe the sorrow and pain felt by the nation after the passing of Botswana Movement of Democracy (BMD) president, Gomolemo Motswaledi, any effort to ease the pain was most welcome.

“Worry is the secret weapon perpetrated upon us by the dark forces of our nation that lurk in the shape of fear, uncertainty, confusion and loss. We on the other hand have our own secret weapon against these incorporeal fiends. It is called laughter,” Vera Nazaria once said.

And so it was that this past Wednesday Rail Park Mall hosted a roast session in which house/kwasa sensation Vee Mampeezy was the roastee. Turning up the heat on the pint sized musician were friends Mosako, Luzboy, Bonnie Dintwa, Paps, MOD and comedian Rib Cracker as the Roast-master.

Rib Cracker made a remark about Vee’s acrobatic dancer, ‘Coming Soon’. He joked that it really beats him how the dancer can be more famous than his employer (Vee). “His name is all over. Every cinema you go to, next to every upcoming movie, you see his name, Coming Soon.”

Upon taking to the stage rapper Mosako decided to turn the heat on himself before throwing any jabs at Vee. To the audience’s amusement he made reference to the statutory rape case he was at some point involved in. “I was only caught looking,” he remarked, “but nothing more happened.”

He went on to take a satirical swipe at Vee’s contractual involvement with the ruling BDP. “Thanks to the organisers for decorating the place with only black and white colours,” he said to the audience’s delight, “Vee wouldn’t have been amused at all to see opposition colours.”

He said the colour issue is so significant they (groomsmen) had to wear red at Vee’s recent wedding. “He said to me afterwards, now look how well everything has turned out”

Former Yarona FM presenter Luzboy, known for his snobbish humour, danced his way to the podium doing a Vee imitation as the Deejay played one of the artist’s tracks. It wasn’t just the musician who was at the receiving end of punches. No one was safe.

Luzboy likened RB2’s Bonny to the famous cartoon character, Garfield. “To those who don’t know Garfield,” he said, throwing one at the audience, “Ke katse ya buchara.”

Making reference to Vee’s stature, he said the musician was so short he would sometimes stand up inside their (Luzboy and friends) beemers and wipe clean the roof inside. MOD also took to the stage and made Luzboy the subject, saying the former presenter cheated his way to a law degree at University of Botswana (UB) which explains why he never practiced as a lawyer. He said he thought Mosako had gone gay with his style of skinny pants. “I was surprised to hear he’s got a kid,” MOD joked.

Turning his sights to the man of the moment he said the musician is so powerful he struggled to keep people away from his wedding “while the rest of us can barely get people to grace our nuptials.”

He said Vee did the right thing marrying someone who could help him get shoes from the top shelve. MOD also made reference to the pint musician’s level of education. “You are a perfect example that even without education one can succeed,” he said, leaving the audience in stiches.

To wrap the night up Vee threw a few punches of his own including his own admission that he had no idea what a roast was. “Are they gonna pay me to insult me,” he had asked a friend.

Perhaps most significantly, he began his part by asking the crowd to observe a moment of silence for the departed Sir G, as Motswaledi was affectionately known to his legion of followers. May His Soul Rest In Peace.


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