The Editor
With reference to the article appearing in you edition of the 21st October, 2007 and subsequent questionnaire, I wish to advise that your reporter, Gowenius Toka, is totally misinformed and is distorting the facts as he perceives them.
We wish to advise as follows:-
Our conditions of employment and employee qualification are a confidential agreement between our employees and the company. We are not going to reveal these to the general public.
We operate in a unionized environment and the recognition agreement regulates the relationship between employer and employees. Included therein are mechanisms that employees can follow to have concerns addressed.
Pension refunds were requested by employees via their Union and employee representatives and these were made by the Pension Company in accordance with the law.
We operate in accordance with world class and local labour standards, which includes employees’ safety. The company has a Human Relations infrastructure manned by qualified local personnel to enhance and attend to employee’s welfare.
Our safety record is one of which we are justifiable proud of given the fact that over a period of 5 years, the number of incidents are a mere 0.03 percent of man-hours worked!
We are of the opinion that the facts contained in your article are totally misleading and would appreciate the truth being portrayed.
Human Resource Officer